figure out

[ˈfɪɡə(r) aʊt]
  • 释义
  • 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Losing should not be discouraging, but you ought to figure out why you lose.

    失败并不可怕, 但你要总结一下败军原因了.

  • 2、

    It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment.


  • 3、

    He's trying to figure out a way to weasel out of the deal.


  • 4、

    The public couldn't figure out what had happened to the mayor.


  • 5、

    They're trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation.


  • 6、

    Western science can't figure out what makes some of the most effective traditional Methods: Work.


  • 7、

    This problem is so hard to figure out.


  • 8、

    Jim tried to figure out the cost.


  • 9、

    However, Cooper's refuses and House tries to figure out a way to do it without scars.

    然而, Cooper的拒绝使House只能另想一个没有疤痕的办法.

  • 10、

    We have got to figure out a way to live under the same roof.


  • 11、

    I can't figure out what he was hinting at.


  • 12、

    So you around trying to figure out what young, retired baseball players do with their lives.


  • 13、

    Instead of getting all riled up about this , we should try to figure out what to do.

    与其因此发火, 我们还不如想想该怎么办.

  • 14、

    We should learn to figure out white from black.


  • 15、

    They're trying to figure out what's going on.


  • 16、

    I simply couldn't figure out his intention.


  • 17、

    Thanks for the advice, but this is something we have to figure out ( workout ) ourselves.

    感谢你的劝告, 但此事我们要自己考虑一下.

  • 18、

    Just take the form, we'd say, and figure out the missing information.

    我们会说, 只需要拿起表格指出缺少的信息就可以了.

  • 19、

    The police cannot figure out how the boys came into the houses because there's no evidence.


  • 20、

    Figure out tax in your head.


  • 21、

    No one can figure out how they're related, but no one cares.

    没人知道他们之间的关系, 但也没人关心.

  • 22、

    Please figure out the total cost.


  • 23、

    Could you help me figure out this problem?

    你能帮我解决这问题 吗 ?

  • 24、

    I didn't figure out how to do it.


  • 25、

    Only figure out how it is caused, to find a solution to the problem.

    只有搞清了它是如何引起的, 才能找到解决问题的办法.

  • 26、

    "Listen," I reasoned, "it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Adam's up to."


  • 27、

    But they provide a starting point for students trying figure out which school to attend.


  • 28、

    Use your noodle to figure out the math problem.


  • 29、

    Scientists should figure out how to keep the natural world from mucking up the affairs of people.


  • 30、

    Just figure out why you missed, and to beat that obstacle time.

    你只需要找到失败的原因, 然后为下一次能够击败这个业障做准备.

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